Digitization of business in the services segment

Provide services online

Understand the digitization and marketing of services thanks to knowledge based on 10 years of experience, 734 completed projects and current market research from 36 countries.

Understand your clients

How to overcome the crisis of trust and sell services online?

Presenting and selling services on the web requires a different approach than selling products. The service is not tangible, it cannot be imagined very well, it cannot be returned so easily. So how do clients behave when buying services?

They want concrete proof

On average, users believe 12 times more
in references of your real clients compared to general marketing texts. They want to see, not believe.

They love clear information

They want to know exactly how the cooperation begins and progresses, who will take care of them, how do you guarantee quality and deadlines - and that's just the beginning.

They are very impatient

People on the Internet are not willing to read long texts or wait longer for a page to load. The important things must be said in the headings and briefly, ideally shown directly in photos and video.

They stay 88% longer

on the website, if it includes quality and authentic video or photos, which will provide them with answers to their most frequently asked questions.

They use phones more often

63% of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. Having a well-resolved responsiveness is a critical point.

They are looking for benefits for themselves

Your potential clients are not interested in the foundation of your business, but how it can solve the burning issue that they are currently battling.

Set the right goals for your site and business

What goals to set for website,
which sells services?

Marketing goals

  • Increase the number of leads (clients) from the site
  • Collect user emails and get followers
  • Better presentation of the services and the team on the web
  • Work well with references
  • Reduce page load time
  • Establish online conversations (chat, video call, email, form)
  • Work with content marketing

Process goals

  • Automate appointment reservations
  • Move appointments and consultations to the Internet
  • Connect the website with the CRM system
  • Include the option of card payment
  • Automate service billing

General requirements for a modern website

  • Create an intuitive navigation structure
  • Prepare quality and concise content
  • Create a modern design in line with the company's CID
  • Prepare a website for all types of mobile devices
  • Integrate the website with third parties
  • Link the site to social networks
  • Provide intuitive and fast content management
  • Automate routine work

Digitize business and marketing

Sales of services
in the 21st century

Web technologies can substitute most business and marketing processes in your company.

Take advantage of modern conversion elements

From forms, automatic appointment scheduling to chats and chatboats, which allow you to have a conversation with your visitors more often, naturally and without routine work.

Work systematically with contacts

Let solidpixels save each contact to your CRM, segment it, and work with it as needed. This is the way to great results in business and marketing.

Make appointments completely online

Respond quickly and keep meetings online. Explain the value of your service by sharing your desktop and making a quality video call. And say goodbye to long business trips.

Measure and automate business

Measure what really works on the website. Automate it and let modern technology generate contacts of new clients, as well as send offers and follow-ups.

Digitize the process of providing services

Providing services online

It's not just about acquiring clients, but about completely serving them online. Solidpixels allows you to provide

Online consultations, webinars

Provide consulting services via video call, share the screen of your application and use quality 4k video to keep the call personal.

Access to the client zone

Provide your clients with paid access to a secure client area, which offers videos, articles, documents, or for example podcasts to download.

Sales of know-how and digital products

Sell your digital products through an e-shop that is completely adapted for it and lets your clients pay immediately through the payment gateway.

Delivery of physical products

If the output of your service is a physical product, let the clients buy it online and deliver the result to them physically, like with any other e-shop.

Realization of online payments

Pokud je výstupem vaší služby fyzický produkt, nechte klienty nakoupit online a výsledek jim doručte fyzicky jako v kterémkoliv jiném eshopu.

Inspiration from the services segment

Explore inspirational sites of different brands and try to discover
and determine the principles they use to maximize the results of the websites.

Start working smart with content

Create several case studies and quality references, which you can use across the web.

Name the conversion clearly

Name your conversion buttons and forms clearly so users know exactly what awaits them in the next step.

type sections

Turn your site into a kit that makes it easy to manage and expand your site.

Learn about important type pages

Great website is not just a great homepage

Marketers and entrepreneurs give great weight to the homepage and, on the contrary, underestimate the importance of other sites. At the same time, it is these sites where the conversion of the visitor often occurs. So which pages are useful to pay attention to? And what should be their content?

Service detail

A page on which the service needs to be perfectly presented, including all quality attributes and followed up with a clear conversion element.

List of services

It aims to provide an overview of the various types of services, explains the difference between them and allows a smooth path to details and order.


The sale of services is basically the sale of promises. However, quality references and implemented projects that are behind your back are not among these promises. Show them.

Company presentation

Rather than the history of the company, describe the future of your industry, what qualities and values are important to your team, and what you are doing to meet the expectations of your clients.

Conversion elements

Appropriately named forms, buttons, chats, call reservations, or click-to-call conversations are good to use across the entire site and the content of individual pages.


Share your know-how and act as an expert for your visitors from whom it is safe to buy a product or take advice.

Take the next step with solidpixels

Service cloud

Find out why the best companies in Central Europe like the Service cloud from solidpixels and how they achieve their goals with it.


average conversion rate of the solution


number of key
type pages


maximum website load time

I'd call it a piece of cake compared to other competitive solutions.
Lucia Krajčiová - Aperitivo Pavilon

Case studies